Phil's G.I. Joe Page

Wait... you're actually reading this?!

Thursday, February 14, 2002
Alright, so Valentine's Day is almost over. Mom's gotten her present, and I still don't have a girlfriend. I also don't think anybody reads this yet, other than me.

DOC discussion was cancelled today (YES!!!), but I have a midterm in History tomorrow (NO!!!). Gotta take the good with the bad I suppose. I should be studying, but I'm not. I'm writing a post to my website.

I think my roommate shares a class with Liz Wong, a person I know as a casual acquaintance, if that. But I know a lot about her because she writes to the same site my friend Ross does. It's like I'm peeking into somebody's inner thoughts. Sure, it's on a website, so it's public domain, but I still feel a little guilty...

People are starting to wonder why I have a toy F-14 in my room...

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