Phil's G.I. Joe Page

Wait... you're actually reading this?!

Tuesday, February 26, 2002
Ok, so I had this long post written up, but my sign in session expired and the post is now lost. Arrgh! Well, to reiterate to the best of my ability:

I'm writing now to pass the time before my next class. It seems as though my life is sometimes ruled by my boredom. You could probably make a graph of my day going by how bored I am at different intervals... Probably a line graph.

Reading other people's blogs, it seems like a lot of people add entries because they're bored. It's scary to see just how much the Internet is created out of boredom. Nothing to do? Start a website! Already done that? Start a weblog! Already done that? Add a new entry!

You know what my most visited page on my website is? My Customs page. Not this page (which is my newest page, but is rising the fastest in number of visits), not my home page (the page listed on all the links pages except Blogger), but my Customs page... how random is that? Oh, and the least visited page is my Bio page... :-( Nobody wants to know about me! Maybe they would if I ever updated it once in a while... (For those of you who don't know, the content of the Bio page has remained largely unchanged since I started this site as a school project with Andrew Craig back in 1998! That's right, this website spans two millenia! Go me!)

Why is it that hardly anybody I know offline has a website? My links pages has 8 links to people I know from my school, and last I checked, I know more than 8 people (I don't count Liz 'cause I don't know her that well. ;-) ). I mean, I like reading weblogs, and I have nothing against Otagen, but come on, to steal from a commercial, I need more content than that!

Well, it isn't word for word what I wrote, but it's pretty damn close. Hopefully, this log out doesn't happen again any time soon...

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