Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, February 25, 2002
Okay, ramblings for today:

Got a Duke / Cobra Commander two pack yesterday, along with the Full Scan WWF Lita. The two pack rocks, what else can I say? As for Lita... well, maybe if they gave her more articulation than an arm swivel, she would be cool...

I dreamt about her last night. Second time, actually... The first time I dreamt of her I was huddled on the ground, frightened or ashamed or something. Suddenly, she sitting next to me, holding my hand and smiling down on me. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't find the words...

This time she was running away from me. As I chased her, I asked her questions which she promptly answered in a calm voice. Weird... and for some reason, I kept thinking she had done a guest vioce on "The Simpsons" four times... That shows my screwy subconscious thought process!

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