Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Sunday, February 17, 2002
So this is what it's come to then, is it?

Phillip Donnelly, Eagle Scout. Phillip Donnelly, Freshman in Sophomore standing. Phillip Donnelly, out of shape. Phillip Donnelly, unhealthy eater. Phillip Donnelly, screw up in romantic relationships. Phillip Donnelly, the insensitive prick who's always harassing a girl every time she logs onto AIM.

So, after 12 years of actually getting over my fear of rejection and actually telling a girl I like her, I get...rejected, for lack of a better word. A girl I've tried to see on my weekends home since way back in October, but have yet to do so. I really don't know where exactly she stands regarding me, all I know is she hasn't regarded me in 8 months. And I think I'm getting a little creepy. The only reason I haven't scanned in every picture I have of her into one file in my computer is because my scanner doesn't work.

So what do I do? I try to keep myself occupied by mindlessly watching Star Trek shows and buying G.I. Joe toys. But even when I'm not trying to think about her, her name pops up in weird and mysterious ways. Case in point: driving back to UCSD one day, her name is sorta written on the back of an otherwise white moving truck kinda like a message written on a dusty car window.

Sure, life isn't fair, but does that mean you have to like it?

Sorry, I just had to get that off my chest.

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The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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