Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, May 21, 2002
From Samuel L. Jackson's interview on

You think of George as having all this technical acumen because of all the things he's done and all the things they've accomplished at ILM. But I remember going to his house to watch the Star Wars trailer the first time. We were in a screening room, but he actually couldn't get his screening room to work. His son Jett had to come over and say, "No, Dad, you do it like this," and Jett manipulated some stuff and all of a sudden it was working. So you kind of go, "Oh, well he's just like me. When I have computer problems, I have to call my daughter. He had to call in Jett to get his screening room to work. [Laughing] This is George Lucas--he can't work a screening room. This is so cool!"

George Lucas, the man who pretty much invented modern special effects still needs help from his kids. That's just too funny.

In other news: 'Copy-Proof' CDs Cracked with 99-Cent Marker Pen. Boy, oh boy, I bet Sony's lovin' this!

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