Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, May 07, 2002
Random thoughts for today:

Man, this last quarter is weird. It's like the weeks go by fast, but the days just drag on. At least in high aschool, you could go home when you were done with classes. Here I have to wait 5 days.

I still have way too much money in my meal plan account.

I appreciate the concerns expressed by those of you who IMed me when I typed I was depressed. I'm ok. Really. Really! I just get homesick whenever I have to come back to UCSD. That and I still don't have housing or a girlfriend.

If I figure out which of the four companies represented on this page (Blogger, YACCs, Site Meter, and TopCities) is responsible for the pop-up ad, I'll try to replace it with another service that doesn't have one. I think I've determined it's not TopCities, though.

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