Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, May 02, 2002
Well, I had my first midterm today, in Vis Arts 22. There were four "essays" which turned out to be only 1 or 2 paragraphs to answer for each. (Side note: I hate it when they call short answer questions essays, don't you? Make you all worried and then you find out there's nothin' to worry about!) The other part was identifying 20 slides showing paintings: title, who painted it, and when. This was what I was seriously worried about. Now, it's not as if the prof had us trying to remember every painting from the Baroque to the Post-Impressionism periods, but he gave us a list to study from. Turns out only seven weren't on the test, and I think he showed 'em in the same order as on the list! Now, I only started studying these paintings oh, about 90 minutes before the midterm, but you know what? I rocked it! If I get anything wrong, it'll be for putting the wrong accents on the artists' names.

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