Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Friday, June 14, 2002
Well, it's Friday. In less than twelve hours I will be engaged in my last final of my first year of college. I'd like to say at this time that once summer vacation begins, I don't think I'll be able to keep updating this page as often as I have. I know on Wednesday I'm leaving for a vacation in New Orleans until the 26th and I'll be going on a family road trip in August. I don't see myself having as much access to a computer to keep adding blogs every day. But rest assured that I am in no way abandoning my website. (like any of you were actually thinking that...)

Then again, I didn't think I'd be writing this often when I first made this page, so who knows?

Oh, and as for summer vacation starting? Can I just say, OH HELL YEAH!

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The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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