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Saturday, August 17, 2002
Ok, everybody. Sorry for the really, really long delay between posts. There's a good explanation. Honest! I've just completed four different road trips that basically occurred back-to-back.

The first one was no surprise to people that know me. On August 1, I went to the San Diego Comic Con. I had a lot of fun. I think this just about sums up that one-day trip:

This is where it gets complicated. My brother got accepted into a graduate school in Pennsylvania. Due to time constraints, he couldn't move his stuff into an apartment in time, so he flew to Philly to apartment hunt while my mom and I drove his car and his crap to him. Mike's car is a manual transmission. I had to have a crash course in learning how to drive one of these things to drive across the country. From August 2 to August 6, mom and I drove to Philadelphia. On August 9, we caught a plane in Baltimore, Maryland to Boise, Idaho, where we met dad and spent some time with family there. On the 12th, we drove into Yellowstone where we stayed until the 15th with some family friends from home. On the way back we saw both Bryce Canyon and Zion National Parks. We even took a short glance at Craters of the Moon National Park. Somehow, in all this mess, I ended up in Las Vegas 3 times...

So, these are the states I've visited in the last 17 days, in the order that I first entered them.

1. California
2. Nevada
3. Arizona
4. Utah
5. Colorado
6. Kansas
7. Missouri
8. Illinois
9. Indiana
10. Ohio
11. West Virginia
12. Pennsylvania
13. Delaware
14. Maryland
15. Virginia
16. Idaho
17. Oregon
18. Montana
19. Wyoming

Now, if you don't mind, I think I'll take a nap.

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