Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, February 06, 2003
So I just came back from my only midterm this quarter. I feel pretty good about it. While it's a G.E. class outside my major, it's about American political parties, so there's a good deal of history (which I like) that's a part of this class. Actually, I think my freakishly high memory retainment from American History in my junior year of high school helped me out on this one. Why did the political Machines fail? Because we changed the way they could control the vote!

By the way, is it just me, or has this page become less about my thoughts and more about what happened in my day? I just don't feel like I'm giving much insight into my current emotions as I did when I started this thing. I don't know if there's much I'd do about it (maybe change the title...), but I just wanted some opinion. Thoughts?

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