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Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Wow, I already finished reading The Return of the King. That's the fastest turn-around of the three LotR books I read. Of course, I've shied away from the appendices at the moment, since they seem rather dull, but I know they do seem to enhance some of the less well-known subplots. And man, Peter Jackson has a lot to cover if he wants to finish up his story in a 3 hour film. ( A 3 hour film! The ship set sail-wait, I'm going off on a tangent here..)

Some thoughts on the first two books and their contemporary movie counterparts:

I really like how Fellowship was adapted for the movie. Even though there's no Tom Bombadil and a lot of changes, I think they fit very well for the time and detail a film could allow.

The Two Towers is almost as great, but there are two chief things I have issues with: the Ents, especially Treebeard, don't seem to act much like they do in the book (i.e., the Ents did decide to go to war at the moot, Huorns are nowhere to be seen), and that's a shame. Secondly, the characterization of Faramir is all wrong. The movie really vilifies him and makes him more sinister than his brother, Boromir, when in the book, he's much more like Aragorn: a man of good character and understanding. And this plays even more heavily in the third book so we'll have to see how this plays out in the next movie.

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