Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, June 09, 2003
Maybe I'm just lazy, but I really hope this thing with Topcities works out. I don't really want to move my whole website again. I'd also have to send out messages telling people who've linked me to update their URLs. Ugh....

Anyways, when this site does come back, you'll probably want something to read other than my aggravated rants. So let me tell you about my little parking mishap. During the weekend, my dad came down to help me move some stuff into my new apartment. When he left, we switched cars, so I would have more room to pack my things up when I go home for the summer. But guess what? I FORGOT TO SWITCH THE PARKING PASS!!! ARRGGHH!! Well, I figured I would wake up early, run to the information booth and buy a 10 day pass. I'd get back before they start checking permits, and I wouldn't lose my great spot. So I set my alarm clock. BUT I FORGET TO TURN THE ALARM ON! So I wake up about an hour after the parking regulations go into effect and nearly s#!t myself worrying I might have a ticket already. Well, i lucked out. At this point I figure I don't have the luxury of hoping my car isn't checked until I get back, so I drive it to the information station (it is, after all, about a half-mile away) and buy the pass. Sure enough, when I get back, my spot's gone. But wait, that's not where the story ends! I go to move my car to a parking lot somewhat nearby. The sign shows my type of permit is accepted, but as I look around I get the feeling it isn't for the time I'm there. As it turned out, my parking pass was only valid there in the evening. So I go back to move my car and guess what? I'VE LOCKED MYSELF OUT! So now I'm stuck outside my car in the wrong parking lot with the inspectors due to arrive any minute. Oh yeah, in my hurry to get outside earlier, I neglected to bring my mobile phone with me. What do I do? I left a little note on the windshield and ran inside the Supercomputer Center to use their phone. Well, campus assistance only helps cars without power locks, so I had to call up AAA. When they arrived, I was waiting by the car and I luckily hadn't been ticketed. (Twice in one day!!)

So what's the moral of the story? If you're gonna switch cars, make sure you switch your parking pass, too!

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