Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, June 05, 2003
Our final project in my structure of art class was to make a mock-up of a monument we would created. I naturally created a monument celebrating the mad scientists of the world, but the boldest and most hilarious monument wasn't mine. This guy brought in a mound made of chocolate covered paper mache. With a nipple. Yes, one of the monuments was a life-size breast. He figured the real monument would be made of bronze so kids could play on this huge thing. But why a breast? Well, on Tuesday, one student brought in a monument about chocolate. People could eat this chocolate. This guy figured all the chocolate would make you thirsty, so this huge breast would be nearby. His mock up actually connected to a working pump that shot milk out the nipple! And that wasn't the best part. After the section ended, he had to walk with this thing to his feminist class!

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