Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Nothing much going on right now, other than today is payday at work (yay!) and that yesterday, I finally got a new 2-park annual pass for Disneyland. Oddly enough, my mom and I had annual passes to Universal and Disneyland for years that we let lapse only this year. Then we go and buy 'em again. It's like we can't live without 'em or something! I know these things stopped being incredibly useful to me when high school started and my junior high friends and I could no longer hang out in Disneyland for a day as a group. Man, I miss those times. I really wonder if I could call them up and arrange something like that again. I'm only missing contact with like, one person, so it is within the realm of possibility. But knowing how lazy I am....

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