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Tuesday, September 16, 2003
ComiX-Fan Forums - General Questions for Chris Claremont!: "That said -- re the 'Resurrection' arc, things go something like this: Jim Lee calls Bob Harras back when we got started and said (paraphrasing of course), 'gee, I'd really like to see a story where the new team goes looking for the old team so we can (a) explain Caitlin's presence in the book and (b) bring the original characters back to life.' Me, being me, responded by trying to put off that story as long as possible because I wanted my guys to establish thesmelves on their own as fully as possible.

Well, fast forward ahead to late spring '03. The new G13 isn't setting the sales world on fire. Wildstorm decides to shut the book down, which wll happen with #16. Final arc, mandated from On-High: find and resurrect the original team. End of story.

My goal is to accomplish that in a way that preserves the integrity of my own series and, as much as humanly possible, that of Adam's original story. Will it prove satisfying to any of the readers or principals involved? Probably not. But this way, we're left with a status quo that's acceptable to the publisher. Since they pay the freight, they get to make these kind'a calls.

For what it's worth, I've always enjoyed Adam's work. I can't write like him and quite frankly wouldn't try and the last thing that ever entered my head at any point in this project was that I would do any kind of disservice to his work on the book. That's what got me snarked when I read the various posts on the WS board, the presumption that my goal was nothing but RF a colleague who I've always held in great respect.

Chris Claremont"

Hallelujah, they're restoring the status quo on Gen 13! Now you won't have to hear about my long-winded rants anymore! Of course, I do hope that Claremont changes Fairchild back to the hot redhead she used to be. It's weird seeing her as some sort of purple-haired, quasi jell-o creature.

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