Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Friday, September 12, 2003
Jeez, I just can't pull myself to write anything in my blog these days. So we just passed the second anniversary of Septembet 11th. Not to be disrespectful or anything, but one of the Simpsons episodes airing that day was where Bart and Lisa start "Kidz News" and Bart becomes a shallow reporter, only putting forward sappy human-interest stories with no real informational merit. Then I went and saw news reports on 9/11 ceremonies. I was a little perturbed by how true I found the Simpsons' parody to be. Again, I'm not trying to underplay the significance of the events of two years ago, I'm just a little saddened about how they're being exploited by the press today. I'll get off my nutty, left-wing soapbox now.

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