Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, November 20, 2003
You know, I think I've come to a conclusion: It's not so much doing the homework that's the problem, it's getting started. I've had this three-page play review looming over my head for a few weeks now, and when I finally forced myself to do it, I finished in about an hour. It's times like this when I begin to question why I was so worried about it in the first place. And then when I was done, I went and finished off the other one page paper due for my theater class. And now I'm writing this! I'm just a typing fool!

Uh... disregard that last part. I'm beginning to undertand how I ever finished middle school - a time when I got more homework than I ever did in high school. I'd just keep going at it. That and I didn't know other schools were so much easier.

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