Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Friday, February 20, 2004
I've officially added a Dio-Stories section to my site, linking "G.I. Joe: The Final Frontier" and my VIS 60 final project (which I'm now calling "G.I. Joe: Black & White") from there. I really like making these things, the only problem is I don't have any real sets to photograph these things in. Luckily, it didn't really matter for the two I already have (in fact, I think it's a bonus for "The Final Frontier"). However, I wouldn't expect any more of these for a while since my digital camera's out of commission. Sure, I could use my 35mm, but I just don't have the planning and patience to shoot the pictures and then wait for them to get developed to add in the effects. I dunno, we'll see.

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