Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, March 08, 2004
If I thought I got lost in SD back in January, I obviously wasn't expecting today to be so much worse. See, at least in January I had a pretty good idea of where I was going. Today, though, I didn't have as much luck. I knew what I was doing when I took the freeways inland to a comic shop I hadn't been to in years, but seeing the traffic jam on my way back, I decided to stick to side streets. Apparently, Friars Club Dr turns into freeway-like conditions and I missed the exit I needed to go back to the route I took in January. So now I was stuck driving roads I'm unfamiliar with, in an area I'd never been before, telling myself that to continually drive west meant an intersection with the 5 freeway and my salvation. Well, I got a bit anxious and got on a freeway I passed as an interchange on the way down. I managed to exit at a road I knew went by my place, only about 10 miles from where I wanted to be. Eventually, I got back to the apartment, but not before noticing that that crack in my windshield was getting larger....

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