Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, March 25, 2004
It's been a week since I last posted here, and I think it's high time I do so. Nothing too terribly important has happened in the last few days, but I'll tell you about it anyway. I guess you could call this Random Posts for the Week:

On Saturday, dad and I came to a decision regarding my apartment: we'd fork over the full rent ourselves for the 2-3 months I'll need to before the school year ends and I need to renew my lease. I may have someone available to move in then, so hopefully, this won't be too bad.

On Sunday, I went to another G.I. Joe show in Burbank, where I came to the decision to create decent 12" versions of Gen 13. Why? I just got the 12" Lynch figure, and decided to go all out, since I already have Fairchild. Rainmaker and Burnout already exist, so I've ordered them and they should be arriving soon. On all of these, I change the base body into new ones. While the amount of articulation in the default bodies is enough, the overall range of motion at each of the joints is woefully inadequate. I'll be making Freefall and Grunge from scratch, a prospect I dread, since no previous version of their characters exists. I've bought the materials I need, so it's just a matter of waiting for the parts to arrive in the mail.

I'm still catching up on my X-Men back issues (and current ones), and today I bought quite a few issues that came out before I started subscribing to the 1991 X-Men title. I now only need three issues to complete the entire run that's been published in this line to date, and one more for the Ultimate X-Men comic book.

This all sounds terribly geeky and uninteresting to the majority of you, I know, but I thought it was good to know.

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