Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, April 12, 2004
Wow, Monday's almost over; I almost forgot about this thing. I had a nice Easter yesterday, nothing too hectic nor too boring. Other than that, not much went on. I saw Ken on Friday and went to Universal on Saturday to take some film footage for an assignment in my documentary class. This morning, before driving down to school, I bought some X-Men: Evolution DVDs. I really haven't seen much of the show, but what I have seen I like. I was actually pleasantly surprised to find that the X-Men roster actually grows and changes. That's a nice touch, and quite appropriate considering how often the comic book line-up changes. Now if only they'd put out all of the old X-Men cartoon on DVD. It's tough trying to track them down on video, and even then, I don't think every episode was released.

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