Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Sunday, May 30, 2004
I went with my parents to Universal Studios yesterday (my first time since being bought out by NBC), and finally got around to renewing my annual pass, more than a month after it expired. We arrived kind of late, so we didn't get to see much before the place closed, but I did get to all the things I wanted to see anyway. We ate dinner at the CityWalk, but not before I bought some more X-Men trades and the new Astonishing X-Men #1, written by Joss Whedon. So far he seems to know what he's writing about so I guess I'll at least read a few more issues. I'm not too keen on the title of the book (they used it during the "Age of Apocalypse" storyline, and I'll forever associate it with that), and I think the character costumes could be a bit better, but so far, the writing's good.

So now I'm back at the apartment trying to finish up all those pesky school assignments before the year ends. It's only Sunday on a three-day weekend, and I'm already back in San Diego. Ugh.

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