Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Can you believe it's the last day of August already? Ugh!! Well, that aside, I have to say that the month has been pretty uneventful, save for the two weddings I attended (the second one being last Saturday). My days were mostly spent at home or at the theater, and on many of my full days off form work I went to Universal Studios or Disneyland. I spent more money than I should have, and took a lot of pictures that I'll only glance at once. I also got served with a jury summons, but I'll have to postpone it as it's the first day of school. And for anyone wondering, that's September 23rd. Well, I guess I'll wrap up this longwinded, wandering post before I've worn out my welcome.

...Too late, huh?

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