Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
Yesterday mom and I went down to my apartment in San Diego to check and see if any bills may have arrived in our absense, as well as move in a few things (including a large Stargate: Altantis standee I got from Edward's). Mom wanted to stay the night so she wouldn't have to drive over and back from San Diego in the same day, which is a wish I can respect. (And before you go knocking on me for not driving, realize I've made the round trip 33 times per the last two school years, so I'm a little sick of the drive, myself.) We spent the rest of yesterday driving around San Diego, after stopping at a homebrew supply store to pick up a ridiculous amount of stuff for dad, including a giant metal grape destemmer/crusher rental which wobbled precariously in the back of the Explorer. Of course, I was no slouch when it came to buying stuff in the last two days. In the order that I remember them:

Star Wars Original trilogy 3 3/4" Han Solo Action figure
Star Wars Original trilogy 3 3/4" Princess Leia Action figure
Star Wars Original trilogy 3 3/4" Ben Kenobi Action figure
Star Wars Original trilogy 12" Boba Fett Action figure
"The Batman" Batman action figure
"The Batman" Bruce Wayne action figure
"The Batman" Joker action figure
G.I. Joe Anti-Venom Task Force 6-pack
Justice League Wonder Woman figure
Justice League Ultra-Humanite figure
X-Treme X-Men vol. 4: Mekanix
Uncanny X-Men vol. 4: The Draco
Just a Geek by Wil Wheaton

Yessir, I have spent a pretty penny here....

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