Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, October 26, 2004
Blogger was acting up, so it took a little coaxing to get this post up. My group project should be in the editing room as I type, going into its rough cut for tomorrow. Our editor assures us he'll have the editing done for our director tomorrow afternoon, at which point he'll hand it off to our graphics person for the final post-production addition of After Effects... uh... effects. I get to then see the results during class Thursday. It's nice only having to really work two days on a project and trust that other people will get it done. Whenever I shoot something for a project of my own, I dread having to work on the editing, because it just takes so damn long.

Justin's going through 180A this quarter, so he's having to endure the film making process, except that he has a much worse teacher than I got. It seems this is the case for all his classes. For some reason, the teacher's making him use Director in 145A instead of Flash. Not having any experience with this program is giving me a bit of a headache, since he's totally reliant upon me to help him out. And I just don't want to work, let alone on something I'm not even turning in!

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