Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, October 04, 2004
I'm still getting used to my schedule, but at looks as though Vis 1 wins the coveted "most hated class" spot of the quarter. Seriously, incredibly boring lectures of stuff I've had before, a TA who seems to take the class way too seriously (Especially since it's an introductory class, and the fact that I'm a fourth year taking the class for no reason other than it's suddenly this unannounced prerequisite for a class necessary for my major! My other two classes aren't that great, either, but at least I don't have to sit through the huge lecture hall classes. I even have a project due in Vis 1 every week, which apparently has to be of grad school quality. They still don't teach us any fundamentals, of course; we just have to create the greatest pieces of art ever. Never mind that I don't really think of myself as an artist.

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