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Monday, October 18, 2004
We did get that wine fridge installed over the weekend. The sucker's huge, larger than I expected, but not as deep. Dad kept wanting to break it down more than necessary, but luckily I got him to follow my directions so we didn't have to take the bottom apart from the back wall. We scuffed up the walls and chipped the corners of the fridge a bit, though. Dad's now getting all the wine from all over the house (including his own) and organizing the little buggers into the wine racks in the fridge.

The whole installation took the better part of Saturday, but we were fortunate enough not to have to worry about the rain. Seeing how bad it got and how it continues to be here in San Diego, I'm rather glad we didn't have to worry about the wood walls warping as we moved them from the garage to the shed.

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