Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, November 01, 2004
I almost completely forgot about updating today. (I was workng on schoolwork, though, so I have a good excuse.) Friday was mostly spent driving around with Mike as he went looking for a last minute Halloween costume. Saturday, I got up early and mom and I dropped by Disneyland for a few hours so I could take some pictures for my weekly Vis 1 project. Later that day I drove down to Arthur's house (whom I hadn't seen since I graduated Troy!) for his Halloween party. It was a fun night of watching movies, spilling root beer, and being entirely too loud. Sunday, Halloween to those of you not paying attention, I started finalizing my Vis 1 project when I had to take a 4 1/2 hour "break" to install a headboard onto my grandmother's bed in East LA. This took four hours because we picked up the headboard at the Brea Mall, found it couldn't fit inside the Explorer, found we couldn't drive freeways with it attached to the roof, had to stop and tell the cops about a car accident we witnessed, and finally had to finesse the headboard onto grandma's irregularly shaped bedframe. I spent most of the rest of the night working on the project I had started, as well as watching Young Frankenstein.

Wow. How long has it been since I slipped in an imbedded link?

Anyways, I drove back to school this morning and am awaiting election day tomorrow with a healthy dose of nervousness.

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