Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, November 24, 2004
I ended up going to bed at about 2:45 this morning, playing a couple hours of LoTR: The Third Age with my roommate. That means I lasted from 10 am Monday morning to 2:45 am Wednesday morning on about 3 to 4 hours of sleep. I may have had a rather uneventful birthday, but at least I was awake for more of that birthday than of any of my others. Odd.

Anyways, just for laughs, here's the project I ended up turning in this week for Vis 1:

The image, of course, is a parody of the Apple "Switch" ads. The Boba Fett and EE-3 are mine, but the other blasters aren't. Two are from Master Replicas, but the DL-44 came from an old photo I found on this site. Just making sure I give credit where it's due.

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