Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
My electronics class was moved halfway across campus to the new Pepper Canyon Hall to accommodate more students. This building's really been open for only a quarter, so most of the stuff is all spiffy and new. Our room is really cool. There are these five ascending rows of counters with chairs attached to them. These chairs swivel out from the bar they're connected to, and the chairs even have backs which can recline! It kinda vaguely remotely feels like being on some pedestal of power. They're kinda fun like that.

Peh, I sat in a lecture hall like that last quarter. It has an ethernet jack and a plug socket. But, boy did my back hurt. Right now I'm in a class room with one of those electronic white boards. Really just a large computer monitor with touch sensitivity. Only 16 people!
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