Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
I've been putting off writing this for a couple of hours now. At about nine o'clock this morning, mom called me from her cell phone. Grandma Connie was rushed to the hospital in the ambulance earlier today. She didn't know what was wrong, but she expected she'd be at the hospital for the rest of the day. A half hour later, mom called again. Grandma Connie died in her sleep last night. She was 91 years old, but this still came as somewhat of a surprise. I mean, here was a woman who spent the last 15 years of her life living alone in her house in East LA. She broke her hip in September of 2003, but she had healed well enough that she moved back into her own home last fall. That didn't last long, though. In January, as she was staying in our house for the holidays, she suddenly had trouble breathing. She was suffering congenital heart failure, and some fluid had gotten into her lungs. She went back into a hospital where the doctors gave her some medication to get better. Last week we finally moved her into an assisted living home. Mom even saw her on the weekend.

Needless to say, it's been an odd day for me. I still have Finals tomorrow that I have to prepare for, but I think I can put it off until tonight when I'm back in San Diego. I've been thinking back to all the time mom and I took grandma to Universal Studios, and how she still has an annual pass. We were last there in December. Since Universal is more shows than rides, it's still a theme park grandma could enjoy. I wanted to go there last weekend, too, with mom and grandma, if possible. That's not possible now.

Very sorry to hear that Phil. I hope you ok and all. If you need someone to talk to, I got time. I'll try to call you sometime today, wednesday that is...sigh i hate all nighters.

Either way, Live long and prosper.
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