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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
It's been busy, busy, busy in the land of Phillip recently. Well, not so busy that I've been pressed for time....

I spent the weekend doing pretty much nothing. I did take a few hours on Friday to work on my electronics class final project, but other than that, zilch. I don't have the specs on my practicum paper finalized yet, and I'm essentially done with my scripting class. Justin had a few papers to write, but I was hoping he'd get them done soon enough that we'd have a day to go to Disneyland and hang out. Well, he got the papers done by Sunday, but at the last minute he had to set up a meeting with his scene partner in his acting class on Monday. See, he flew off this morning to another state to attend an acquaintance's graduation ceremony and won't be back until the day of his scene performance. Monday is the only time he has for that last practice session.

So I drove home Sunday night to go to Disneyland the next day alone. I know, I know, I'm heartless. I picked up some cases of soda for the apartment while I was at home, so Justin stood to benefit from this anyways. When driving home that night, a song playing on the radio really got me feeling sad. It was some slow song about the choices we make in our lives, or something. I'll probably elaborate on that in a future post. I spent a few hours at Disneyland yesterday, and then had about an hour free before Mike got off work. We caught the 8:30 showing of Star Wars (Mike hadn't seen it yet, whereas I was on my third viewing!), and I left for San Diego after dropping Mike off back home. I had to go back to SD last night because I was Justin's ride to the airport. I'll be his ride from the airport, too, come Thursday.

So Monday being a holiday, I didn't have my electronics class this week. It only meets on Mondays. I got to UCSD a little early today to put up some flyers to sell some of my furniture when I move out. I go to my practicum class like usual, and what do I find out? I'm done! I don't need to go to my lab hours this week. So apparently, all I have left is my paper. And since I'm done with my scripting class, I don't need to attend classes this week for that class either, really. I am allowed two unexcused absences, and I haven't missed a class there yet.... I'll probably still go. There are some attractive ladies in that class!

So now I've got a whole hell of a lot of free time. I do have to sort out my 30 day notice of leaving my apartment, a situation complicated by the fact that Justin is now thousands of miles away, and I need his signature. I think I'll be okay, though. I'll work it out somehow. In the meantime, I'll catch a run-through of one of the plays I was helping out on the costuming for.

See? Like I said, busy, busy, busy.

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