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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Boy, when I become a sporadic poster, I become a sporadic poster!

So how do I summarize a week's events into one post? Friday was the day of my official graduation party. All but 2 guests showed up least least a half an hour late. That was a tad depressing, but it got better as the night wore on. Though I'm still not sure why mom thought it would be a great idea to turn my party into a casino night type of thing. I think she totally forgot about the two months she spent trying to push off her Eastlake casino night tickets onto me and my continuing refusal to accept them. Oh well. Some friends spent the night and we went out to breakfast the next day. Later that night was Ken's graduation party, so UCI and Ken's house took up the remainder of the day. I spent the night there and spent a few hours the next morning driving around town with Nammy looking for DVDs. The rest of the day was a relaxing, uneventful Father's Day. We got to see Batman Begins, which totally rocks, and went to bed rather early. See, the next day mom and dad caught a plane from LAX for a two week business/vacation trip. The flight was at 6, so we had to get up at four. Luckily I didn't need to drive over, but I did do the drive back. I went to a few stores later on that day, but nothing special. Tuesday, though, I got up early and headed back to my San Diego apartment one last time. The Salvation Army arrived to pick up some of the large furniture (save for my rickety bed frame, which I broke apart and threw away, and my apparently too=large sofa which I painstakingly brought out of the apartment and left in an alcove of the hallway....), and I packed up the last of my stuff. I made a quick stop off at the UCSD bookstore to get a blue and gold tassel and headed home. I got back by three in the afternoon. Today I drove around town to pick up some toys and books, having finally found volume 4 of Love Hina in the book cover style I wanted. Maybe now I can buy more, huh? Mike's been in and out of the house with his odd work schedule, so I'm usually by myself for half the day. And next weekend he'll be gone completely so I'll have a few days with the house to myself. Should be interesting.

As I started typing this, I could hear the faint popping sound from outside which is a good indicator that Disneyland's fireworks are going off. I need to head back there sometime soon, I think.

And oh yeah, I'm a little worried that the collected works of Ken Akamatsu are beginning to take over my life. I'll probably start picking up A.I. Love You after I finish getting all the Love Hina books. And it's less than a week until the next volume of Negima! comes out.

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