Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, June 01, 2005
I said I'd talk about that song making me feel low, so here it is. I'm afraid of the future. I'm afraid of graduating. This isn't like changing schools, this is leaving them altogether. Sure, there's still grad school at some point, but in two weeks I'm going to have to deal with "the real world." It's odd, knowing that an institution which has dominated my lifestyle in some form or another for the past 19 years is going away. I have to start making my own way, not rely on my parents. Admittedly, they'll still be giving me free housing and food, but sooner or later I'll need to move out. My childhood is over, and no amount of action figures will change that. Today's activities didn't help much, either. I picked up my hat and gown, and turned in my 30 day notice for my apartment. The end of my educational life is near, and it's a scary thought.

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