Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I'm living on my own at the house until Saturday. Mike jetted off to Kansas yesterday to meet up with the parents and check out his housing options for med school. So I've been bored off my ass, avoiding doing work, buying more Ken Akamatsu manga, walking the dog, and cleaning my room. Today I finally tackled the toy section of my closet. While I didn't really through out much in this area, I do think I got it a bit more organized and able to hold some of the toys that have been laying around the perimeter of my room for years. I'm actually seriously considering eBaying some of my toylines. Mostly I don't wanna break up my toylines I worked so hard to attain over the years at a garage sale, but also because I need the money. Yep, I've blown through most of my graduation money already. (I have saved a large portion for Comic Con, though.) Them manga books ain't cheap! I'll probably sell them in lots by their toyline. Makes it easier on me, and gets the buyer an instant collection. Now I need to get boxes, padding, and shipping estimates!

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