Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Friday, June 10, 2005
I've been thinking about this for a couple of days now. Usually I kind of go on hiatus with my blogging whenever a break in school arrives, posting more or less at random. Now, I like my normal set-up of posting entries at least 5 times a week; I feel like I'm actually using the service I signed up for. But there are times, I have to admit, when meeting that schedule feels like something of a chore. In instances such as those, I kind of force myself to come up with something, anything, to fill my weekly quota. My sparsely appearing "Random Thoughts of the Day" posts were sometimes the result. Keeping this in mind, and knowing that I'm leaving college, I feel it's time that I change my blogging schedule. From now on, it's going to be like my hiatus schedule: I post whenever I feel like I have something interesting to say. If this means only 5 or so posts in a month, so be it. Since I'm done with college, it seemed like an appropriate to make this change. Hell, my blog started as a way to kill 5 minutes in the boring day that was my freshman year social life. So now I don't feel obligated to post, don't feel bad when I forget to like yesterday, and no one is expecting my to do so.

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The views and opinions expressed here are solely those of Phillip Donnelly. Unless explicitly stated, all statements are those of Phillip Donnelly. So there!

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