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Sunday, September 25, 2005
Random Thoughts for the Day, 'Cause I Couldn't Think of a Proper Post Topic:

- I've been checking out some of the referral URLs to my site. It's both funny and aggravating to see where the Cobra logo on my homepage is being hotlinked. It's the background image on one guy's site, an icon on another, and a random image post in a livejournal comment. Very strange.

- I've been getting some nice comments for my dio-story, so I've got that going for me.

- I saw Corpse Bride on Saturday. Very fun and visually stunning film. Go see it.

- Dad bought another two trashcans worth of grapes today, so we destemmed and crushed them once he brought them home. When will the madness end??

- Essential X-Men Vol. 6 finally came out, I discovered earlier today. It's been over a year since I got the last volume, so I'm happy to be able to read up on some more events. This one goes up to the first major crossover event of the X-Men's history, the Mutant Massacre. Since the powers-that-be at Marvel decided to put each comic book which was involved in this crossover into this volume, the page count is the highest yet for this particular line. The earlier volumes seem downright wimpy in comparison.

- Now I'm overlapping with my Essential books and my regular trade paperbacks of the X-Men. I'm considering buying trades of the earlier, important arcs for the better quality. Since I'm doing it already, why not go all-out?

Here's a fun idea. Change the name of your image just a little. Add a letter or a number to the end of the name. That'll show those guys to use your bandwidth.
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