Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, October 03, 2005
Everything is sore right now. Mom and I got up at 4 today. Why, you ask? Because there was a special event going on at Disneyland that only passholders and cast members were able to attend. Even then, the number was limited and we had no idea what was going on. It turns out that we were to be a part of as televised tribute to the Mouseketeers and we, all dressed in black, would become a set of giant Mickey Mouse ears. We were given a black shirt, a Mickey Mouse Club sticker and the regular ears. They also gave us a cheap black bag and some cheap gold pom-poms. The idea was that at a certain mark, we would all pull out the gold pom-poms and turn the black mouse ears gold. It was tough work with a lot of standing but we made it through alright. You can even see the video here. Afterwards we got a catered breakfast and were set loose in the park. Mom and I ended up hanging out with some other Disney friends from an online message board until near closing. And now my back, feet, and arms really hurt.

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