Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Friday, October 07, 2005
I finally got to wear contacts for the first time today, after failing to get both in on Wednesday. It's a weird feeling seeing things in focus without glasses after so many years needing them. I've wanted contacts for a while, but I just couldn't get them in. And the last two years the optometrist wouldn't even let me try them because of a persistent skin infection I had around my right eye. Well, it took me damn near two hours, but I got 'em in. And boy, did they sting. My eyes were already sore from the poking and prodding and the oils from my skin that ended up on the lenses didn't help. I was only supposed to wear them four hours today, increasing that amount as the days go by. However, while stuck in traffic on the 91 I rubbed my left eye and ended up knocking the left lens out. So I had to get off the freeway and into a parking lot with only one good eye. Yes, depth perception became an issue. It's a good thing I had my glasses with me or it could have been a very long time before I could drive again.

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