Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, November 07, 2005
Boy, I thought I had come to terms with no longer being a student back in September, but of course I was wrong. You see, this evening, from 7:30 to 10:00, to be precise, I attended a Screen Actor's Guild-sponsored voice-over workshop (*gasp!* You mean I actually did something about my future besides talk?? Well, not much, but yeah.) in La Mesa, CA. Now, if you were to check a map, you'd see that La Mesa was just outside the city limits of San Diego, not near LA like one would think an entertainment industry-related event would be. So I drove down and back to this session today. Made good time on the return trip, too. Anyways, on the way back I started seeing these familiar landmarks and places I had gotten to know while a UCSD student. Of course, being that it was after 10 pm and I had an early day tomorrow, I couldn't even stop to look around. Add in a slow song playing on the radio, and I felt a profound sadness for the life I no longer had. It's funny, I never really cared much for my time while attending UCSD, yet I'm already missing it just a few months removed.

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