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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
After work today I spent a few hours at Universal Studios. The park entrance is only about a five minute drive from work, so I've been wanting to go ever since I got my internship. Unfortunately, mom has the pass with the free parking, so it's not like I'll be dropping by for a few hours every afternoon. But I suppose it could conceivably become a regular hangout. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera with me to take any pictures. My uncle stayed overnight at the LA house while I was gone on Saturday and accidentally packed my camera with his things when he left. I had no problem with him staying over, after all, he is co-owner of the place with my mother, but he lives in Vegas, so it'll be a few days before UPS brings my camera back to me.

I think I've mentioned before why I like the park so much - that mom, grandma, and I could enjoy the park equally since the shows easily accommodated grandma and her failing health. We've had annual passes since the early 90s, before the Citywalk or even the current entrance layout. I've noted the changes over the years with a mild curiosity, occasionally disappointed with the loss of a show or attraction but nothing to get too upset about. Nothing until I walked around the Citywalk today.

The Citywalk seems to have a huge turnover rate, and at no time did this seem more evident than today. The last time I was in the park was December, but I didn't pay much attention to the shops. Walking down the mostly empty pathways, I am acutely aware of just how much is different, and how much change still occurs. I realize I don't want the change, knowing it's an impractical thought. But soon the park will be a very different place from the visits I had with my grandmother. Our last visit together was in December 2004, three months before her passing. Mom, grandma, and I ate dinner in the restaurant above Camacho's. I had bought an X-Men graphic novel and was reading it while waiting for food. Grandma just seemed glad to be out of the house. I know she really liked the park, in fact she mentioned to my mom going back there the day before she died. Walking around alone today, I realized how much I missed having her around, even if I did have to push her in her wheelchair most of the day. Even know, typing this up, I'm getting a little teary-eyed.

Sounds like fond memories.
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