Phil's G.I. Joe Page

Wait... you're actually reading this?!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Already a week into the month and I'm just now making my first post. Not a great start! But hey, it's all good, 'cause it's time once again for the Random Thought for the Day:

- In six days I'll have the fourth anniversary of my blog. That's kinda scary.

- In seven days it'll be mom's birthday. That's not scary, and I've even already bought her present!

- I got an airsoft FAMAS rifle from Fry's today. Sweet! Now I need to find a P-90, a Steyr Aug, and a Beretta, and I'll have a pretty kick ass collection of these things.

- And if I get an airsoft P-90 (assuming one exists), I can get to working on a Stargate costume!

- Yes, I'm still looking for a new internship. I had an interview today, but they couldn't accept me because I wouldn't have received any kind of college credit for it.

So you play CS too huh... It's been ten years since I've heard from you, ol buddy
Sadly, I'm no longer eligible for facebook, so I have no clue who you are! Sorry!
You did read my "suicide note", rite? I mean this was like two years ago.

Lying in a "crypt" for such a long time really gives you a stiff back! Its nice to be out again

There's no need to blame yourself for my "demise", but I am gonna get you back for all those pranks you played on me :-)

-le Comte de Monte Cristo
Okay, I think I have some clue now. And if you are who I think you are, I still have a bunch of those drawings you gave me way back in 6th grade...

Otherwise, I'm terrible at these riddle things!
Smart boy. We need to catch up.
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