Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Well, coming back to LA just now I almost died. Right about where the citadel is, it looks like a wooden crate fell off the back of a truck and shattered on the ground, leaving debris in the two slow lanes. It's annoying but nothing too too bad. Anyways, I'm in the slow lane because my exit's coming up, but I'm going fast since there's no one in front of me for like, half a mile. I see the debris and start to slow down. Now, there's an SUV ahead of me in the lane to my left. He sees the debris and instead of slowing down, he decides to dodge it. By changing into my lane! No signal, no real slowing...

I can tell I'm going to hit this person because I can't slow down fast enough, so I swerve into the breakdown lane. The SUV driver finally notices me and slows down fast. Now, breakdown lanes aren't that wide and if I stay where I am I'm gonna hit the guardrail. So I swerve back into my lane just ahead of the SUV and manage to straighten out. And, by the way, I managed to do this all without skidding (which could have been disastrous). So I just made this seemingly perfect arc just well enough to avoid an accident with another car or a wreck of my own Jetta.

I should be more upset than I am, but I think I got a little adrenaline rush out of driving like a Hollywood stuntman with a car that by all rights should not have handled as well as it did.

I think I love my Jetta now.

Shit, I did that once driving down the 5 back home from L.A. Actually, I think I was in the Jetta too.
You'd think that dad would finally fix the damn brakes instead of making "swerving" our defensive reactions, wouldn't you?

Glad you're OK!!!!!!!
Nice work. stay alive.
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