Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, March 20, 2006
I've taken a little time to think about this (which partly explains the gap between postings, but only party), and I'm confident enough to now say that I can drive a manual transmission. It's a bit of a big deal for me as I'm apparently deathly afraid of change, and the possibility of driving in LA traffic in a manual, but lemme tell ya, nothing teaches you better how to drive those lower f=gears than LA traffic. The incessant stop and go of the cars gives ample opportunity to learn the ins and outs of first and second gear. And if you stall out, well, you have enough time to restart the engine without anybody really noticing. Doesn't make the drive any more bearable, though. That's not to say I'm an expert driver, though. I still have issues with starting from a stop on an uphill slope, and if I haven't mastered parallel parking on an automatic yet, then god help me when I may have to do it on a stick!

Dude, those F= gears are a pain in the a$$ in traffic, aren't they? I tell you, I wanted to take the car back the first month I was commuting from UCLA until I got the hang of it. At least if you stall it's too slow for others to tell.
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