Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, May 30, 2006
I'm recovering from an incredibly busy weekend. I went home Thursday night, thinking mom and dad were taking off for their weekend wine trip that day, but I was mistaken. They left the next morning while I slept in. I spent a few hours waiting around for Ken and Nammy to show up and we caught an afternoon showing of X-Men 3. After, we went to Mai's CSUF Convocation ceremony before Nammy and I drove off to Westwood to pick up those UCSB girls again. They spent the weekend at my house, and while they waited around on Saturday morning, Nammy, Ken, and I went to Mai's graduation ceremony. That over and done with, we got the girls with us and at lunch with everybody. Some shopping ensued afterwards, and Nammy took off with the girls while I picked up Mike and his girlfriend from the airort. I ate dinner with them in Newport and finished off the night watching DVDs. Sunday was barbeque day in celebration of Mai's graduation, so a bunch of us came to my house, where we played video games and attempted to deal with the overabundance of food we purchased. The girls took the train back Monday around noon, and it was some more TV watching until the parents came back that night.

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