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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
The living room of the L.A. house now has an air conditioner. I finally installed the old wine room window A/C into a window looking out into the side yard. Of course, would I really be dedicating an entire post to this if it went smoothly? Of course not! First, the window is actually comprised of a small set of two glass paned doors opening inwards. Long ago someone installed a wooden blocker to prevent the left door from opening. A quick hammering of dad's chisel got that out. More problematic was the repainting of the house two years ago. Paint clogged up the frame, preventing the window from moving. More chiseling and the use of some kind of dull blade finally got this thing budging. Roger wasn't around to help me place the A/C in the open window, so I had to do that by myself, only to find that there wasn't enough frame space to properly balance the A/C. You see, all the windows in the L.A. house have wrought-iron barriers to prevent break-ins. This means any window A/Cs never have enough space to rest the way they're supposed to. You gotta figure that part out on your own. Fortunately for me, mom had emptied out the bookcase in the dining room only the day before. Its height was only three inches short of the bottom window sill and its width was the exact length from the wall to the fireplace. I managfed to squeeze in the bookcase here and balance the A/C on that. Not liking the odd angle it sat at, I took some unused bricks from the backyard and used those as levelers. Now I just have to find a way to block the rest of the window!

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