Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Sorry about the silent treatment I've been giving over the past couple of days. I was visiting Mike in Missouri, and my internet access was limited to dial-up speed. Not a conducive environment to posting blogs.

Basically, the family and I were in Kirksville to spend time with my brother for about a week. Some random thoughts of those days:

- We left on the first day of the "no liquids" restriction, which was hell since we were at LAX so early virtually no travelers knew about the new rules. To say it was hectic would be an understatement.

- When we finally got to Mike's house, we found he had a new dog! It's a little female beagle-something mix he found at the local animal shelter and named Sierra. Mike said he pulled about 30 ticks off of her.

- Dad and I built a little fence to give Sierra some running space in Mike's otherwise unfenced yard. Nothing too fancy or big, but it'll do for what Mike needs.

- We took a side trip to Marceline to see some of Walt Disney's old haunts. There's a small museum there dedicated to Disney, and his house still exists. I'll be making a significant post about my trip to MiceChat once I get a chance to scan in a few things. Expect to see it be copied here.

- And on the way back, we shouldn't have been able to board the airplane. I'll explain more about that one in the next few days.

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