Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Holy crap, I've been doing an awful job on keeping up with this blog, haven't I? So we drove to Vegas on Friday after a bit of a late start. Surprisingly though, traffic was mercifully light. We picked up Tomoaki from the airport the next day and did the Vegas thing, taking him to various casinos, the Star Trek Experience, and even a buffet or two. I ended up about 15 down overall, a loss mostly made back up when I found 10 bucks lying on the ground at a gas station in the Cajon Pass.

Last week was fairly typical, save for the arrival from Vegas on Monday, and trips to Universal and Disneyland on Thursday and Friday, respectively, with Nammy and Tomoaki. Saturday was a bit of driving around town, showing Tomo are favorite hangouts, while Sunday was a goodbye dinner. Tomo left Monday.

As for me, I've finally got another interview! Tomorrow at 3 I'll be in Beverly Hills trying to get a paying gig as an assistant. Not much, but it'll keep dad off my back!

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