Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Been a while since my last post, I know. However, since my trip to Japan is less than a week away, expect a few more posts before I take off. I don't know how much access I'll have to the net when I'm there, so I'd like to get something substantial on here before I lose the chance.

Interesting weekend - Mike came back from Missouri with his girlfriend and his dog, so Brit's been dealing with a hyper puppy eating up the limelight. Ken's back for a few weeks too, so he dropped by on Friday as well. Saturday was "Get all my random chores done" day, so I spent time getting that haircut I've been putting off for a few weeks. Add in a few hours around Knott's in a failed quest to eat at the chicken restaurant and finish off the day watching the Return of the King with Nammy.

Today started with a late breakfast, some Wii time, and ended with a few hours in Disneyland with the parents. A little of everything this weekend. Now I gotta finish off one more week at work before I get to relax in a country where people speak a language I don't know.

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