Phil's G.I. Joe Page

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Monday, December 04, 2006
I realize I'm incredibly late to the party on this, but I'd like to throw in my two cents on just how great the DCAU is. There's enough praise out there for this, and it is incredibly well-deserved. Starting out as Batman: the Animated Series, and expanding from there for 13 years (!), this was a universe allowed to grow and flourish. Sure, there were some missteps along the way (Lock Up, anyone?), but the creative forces behind these shows and movies crafted quality animation and storytelling from decades of sometimes contradicting lore. I admit I was upset when the animation style on Batman changed, and I left the series for many years. But Justin got me hooked with those box sets, and I've kept up with every release. Hell, if they release the Zeta Project, I'll probably get it! I just watched the end of the Cadmus story arc from Justice League Unlimited. I had only seen half of these episodes before (stupid Saturday night scheduling!), and... wow. Just, wow. It's beautiful to see how much of the dynamics of the shows have changed, yet still seem familiar. And Epilogue? I really wish this had been the final episode. It's a great bookend. It's just too bad some new Warner Bros. exec felt they had to leave their mark on the animation department by putting an end to these shows. If the DCAU isn't in a list of the all-time greatest franchises, it should be.

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